Opening the Heart of Humanity!
Sacred Time Oracle of the Noosphere 16-28 August 2024 Ep.4
Guidance for the 13 day wavespell of "Magnetic Sun" to "Cosmic Human"
There's little doubt that humanity cannot fix the problems of our world at the level of their cause. This is an Eye of the Needle moment! What new energy, what existential movement of Self-realisation will turn the tide?
If you were to raise one question that can change our reality what is it?
For us it would simply be,
"What is the purpose and reason for humanity, our evolutionary goal?"
This fourth wavespell leads directly to the Leo Full Moon and the Spiritual Festival of Sirius, a Star of Sensitivity, becoming more recognised and having a more meaningful relationship within the world consciousness community. There is a T-Square of the Astrological Crosses: Fixed and Mutable indicating an initiatory moment.
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The Leo-Sirius Festival
The previous 13 day cycle brought through a new energy, a healing influence upon our soul journey, giving rise to the possibility and opportunity to rise above opposition, and to move through the "eye of the storm" of regeneration! Having done so we will now experience and begin a new intonation of cosmic energies in the current 13 day cycle of Sun to Human.
Sun to Human aligning through the Full Moon in Leo to Sirius creates a chain of heart centers from the cosmic centre of life to our humanity. This extraordinary bridging moment has the potential to open our hearts to a new identification, our of ages of conflict derived from our separation to an entirely new recognition of our innate Oneness. Imagine that, "I am, you are, we are One... essentially", a newly emerging default, no longer one of "in fear of the other", to one of knowing who we are, awakened or not, fragments, fractals, holograms -- all parts of a One Life.
The Leo Full Moon alignes with the sovereign Star Sirius, prototype and “Soul” of our solar Logos, gathering some very profound indications on our cosmic Isis, Source of our planetary spiritual Hierarchy, and in this sense the most important full moon of the year.
This year the Full Moon is on 19 August 13:25 New York ¦ 18:25 London
The Star Sirius is to our solar Logos what the human Soul is to the personality. The Star Sirius is said to form one of the seven Grand Heavenly Men, who relate our Solar System to that Great Cosmic Life of whom our Solar System is a part.
Sirius brings the energy of Pure Cosmic Love to our planet and, in a mysterious way, is the principle found at the heart of every atom.
Sirius as the brilliant Star of Sensitivity
SIRIUS, Magnet of intelligent Love,
Stronghold of our cosmic Heart,
guides the many to the central Unity,
serving the celestial Osiris, Orion:
Sirius is the divine Ray of the Great cosmic Christ.
The heliacal rising of Sirius on the horizon is a sign,
from the sacred depths of Cosmos to the sacred sphere of appearance,
of the resurrection on Earth, of the sensitivity of the Heart.
August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense is ruled by Sirius.
When the new world spirituality has evolved and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact and receiving pure Cosmic Love from Sirius.The influence of Sirius, the “Sun of Suns”, is transmitted by all three Crosses of the Zodiac, but is especially connected to Leo, one of the Signs of the Fixed Cross.
Read more on the 7:7 Sirius StarGate, Portal to the Cosmic Heart of Love by Inscension
The goal of human life
The goal of human life on our planet is to become sensitive to universal Love, to open our hearts and to reason of think with Love, with our hearts. We can imagine a chain of heart centres, linking every being through every human heart, to the heart centre of our planet, through the heart of the Sun to the Heart of the Lion, to Sirius and to the Cosmic Centre of Life of our Milky Way galaxy.
Our life opportunity is to develop love-wisdom driven by need and circumstance. Love, expressive of the consciousness aspect. is responsive to contact and this—in the human being—means understanding, inclusiveness and identification.
Wisdom connotes skill in action as the result of developed love and the light of understanding; it is awareness of requirements and ability to bring together into a fused relationship the need and that which will meet it.
Service to others is essentially the mode of expressing love-wisdom. and in the evolutionary process will eventually make the our Earth a sacred planet.
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Keep shining brightly!
Leone & Jonathan
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