Do you feel Magic in the air?
Synthesis Energy and the new incoming frequency of Love
Do you feel Magic in the air? That something new is afoot? Do you observe an almost miraculous melting of fear and separation into a new wave of Love, Joy, Creativity, Unity and Agency? Maybe it's...the Energy of Synthesis.
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
Doesn't make any sense." ─Rumi
The new energy we are talking about is what we call "synthesis energy". What is that?
Well it is like riding in on the tide, it is the incoming tide of an Aquarian frequency that many are beginning to feel and see out the corner of our eye or in the full tide of the moment. And the word I hear around being used by various observers of this is "That's magic"... "That wasn't supposed to happen." And it did. And it's magic.
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What is the New Energy?
And so this energy of synthesis is something we want to discover with you too, because we know you're already feeling it.
You may be feeling this new breeze of possibility and joy and celebration, and like, the clouds are parting, and you can breathe again. There is the feeling that we are shedding the old World.
We are crossing many thresholds. One of them is the fact that yes, we're moving from the Piscean age into the Aquarian age. We're changing drastically on every level.
Fundamental aspects of the way we have viewed the world, experienced and known the world, are rapidly changing now.
And as a result of that, everyone might be experiencing and questioning. Wow! What's this? This is uncharted territory.
We posit that Synthesis is a new frequency of energy that is available to the planet purposefully, because the planet is undergoing an initiation. That initiation affects all four kingdoms and is an evolutionary birth of the ages, of making all things new. This is happening as we speak.
It is affecting us as the kingdom of conscious souls, or the spiritual hierarchy as it is also known. This energy of synthesis can be felt in every category of our life--be it education, be it political, religious, or science.
The scientific world is coming together now with the spiritual world, and realizing that many of the things that we have known for ages are true, We're finding the scientific validation.
What we're moving away from is top down, power over, us and them, right and wrong, black and white, you know. Polarization. You're here, my tribe is over there, and we don't come together except when we fight. All of that's a Piscean characteristic of how we have done things for so long. And now this energy of synthesis just absorbs the opposites into the sphere of our common humanity and moves with joy and purpose, dissolving the obstacles. It's like the clouds parting and it truly is magic, and it's the magic of true purpose, soul, and unity consciousness.
We Can't Fix The Planet with Old Tools!
None of the old methods really work anymore. Since there's no one solution that can fix the seemingly infinite number of problems that we're facing on this planet.
We need an entirely new approach. One can't resolve a problem at the level that it's being created, and humanity is just overwhelmed by conflict and problems and oppositions which can't resolve themselves however good our intention.
Our world cannot be "fixed". It requires a new energy and that energy is now incoming from the stars.
The purpose of the new energy we call synthesis is to build the new civilization. We are at the end of an age and the beginning of a new one, when a new civilization has to be built, and now we have an opportunity to sense into the new energy that is available that makes this possible
The new energy is like the fusing of the rainbow into this wonderful non separated force for the common good. Previously the dualities, the right wrong, good, bad, they're just the differentiation between love and fear. And a choice has to be made, has been made toward an inclusive and more universal frequency of Love.
Are You in Love?
Herein lies the balancing force of the Universe. The percentile of who's in Love and who's in Fear has shifted to Love, that opened the door for this magical synthesis energy to just pour through all possibilities with feelings of freedom, creativity, unity and joy.
So the the ability of oppositional forces to control us through fear has been evaporating. And what's been coming out like a cleansing river is this other energy of joy, possibility, unity, oneness, creativity.
We should be aware that resolving oppositions produces conflict in the short term, even extrem conflict, but the conflict will usually be short-lived.
It is a miracle moment on our planet now that is opening the heart of we the people. We the People who see "us" in each other.
The goal of human life on our planet is to become sensitive to universal Love, to open our hearts, to reason and to think with Love, to open our hearts.
Our life opportunity is to develop love-wisdom driven by need and circumstance. Love is expressive of the consciousness aspect. Love is responsive to contact and this—-in the human being—-means understanding, inclusiveness and identification.
The OverSoul of humanity is seeking to integrate within the human family. That is the manifestation of this planetary initiation that we're going through. That's how it's working with the human kingdom, with each kingdom according to its needs and its purpose according to the Divine Plan. And one of the kingdoms is that of the soul of humanity. That soul is essentially consciousness, pure consciousness being seeded within humanity.
Has humanity been as emotionally developed as we need to be? We find this emotional energy just pouring out everywhere. Now it's time for us to move into group livngness and soul identity at a higher level of awareness.
The New Path
This is a new path. Historically, so many religions and approaches to various spiritual expressions largely patriarchal in nature. But now there's a new path emerging. Rather than an aspirational approach to the Self, it's like unity consciousness is an emerging default.
Therefore it's become a top down approach now (meaning a higher frequency informing and shaping a lower frequency). We are coming from unity and not from diverse separatist individualism.
This is a new path too, because the old Piscean age was all about striving up to a heaven that was not reachable and not being worthy, all wrapped up in sackcloths and ashes. And this personality we have was not loved and was sinful. And all these things that the Church did to us was conditioning for control. And now it's like the soul IS who we are. In essence. It is us coming into these bodies that we have: the mental body, the emotional body, physical body and saying,
"I love you. I'm coming in. We're gonna make heaven on earth. We're gonna dance."
A new Path, no longer harmony through conflict but harmony through synthesis. This is a path of joy through service.
Seekers on the old path tended to be very concerned with issues that are almost irrelevant in the New. Questions such as "Who am I?", "Why am I Here?" and “What can I do?” are no longer so relevant. We are here to serve others so the question becomes more about …
How can we — Make All Things New?
Quite simply, we can align with the new energy and with the consciousness of the One Life, identify with the Noosphere, the mind of the Earth, where our minds become one mind. This is the Telepathic One Mind from which the Raincloud of all Knowable Things can be registered.
This Synthetic activity makes identifying with and as Soul, and as Soul with The One Life, much, much easier.
We're going to play. We're going to create, enjoy. And it all comes from the unity of the one life because we are one. We are going to dig down so everything can be healed, everything can thrive.
With Lyrata Barrett, Debra Oliver and Jonathan Eveleigh
Practitioners of the Ageless Wisdom
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Coming soon — How to transition from the old economy to the new economy via the oneness of the Noosphere.
Guidance for the coming days …
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